Learn at Your Pace.

The University of Marketing allows you to study, learn, and win at Internet marketing at a pace that works for you.

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1With The University of Marketing, you'll study the core tactics to growing website traffic, conversions, and profit. They're presented in easy-to-understand lessons that guide you through the marketing campaign of your choice. Courses typically begin on fundamental theory and campaign launch.


2Courses don't stop after launching a simple campaign. Your next step is to turn your marketing profitable through optimization and cost-cutting efforts. You'll grow reach, test creative, increase efficiency, and improve ROI. When you're done you'll have a new source of profit for your business that's ready to scale.


3With our training, you'll then learn to scale conversions and grow total profit. Courses teach you to grow your campaign to the point of diminishing returns, and eventually automate and outsource management tasks. Throughout all 3 stages our team is available for personalized support.

Who is The University of Marketing?

My name is Tim Kern and I'm the lead instructor at The University of Marketing. In the past decade I was the marketing director of several companies, growing digital campaigns from low-budget tests to millions of dollars in profit for small businesses, startups, and turnarounds. I've taken my years of experience and track record of success, and turned it into a series of courses that will help you efficiently grow your business using the Internet.

Tim Kern

Founder & Head Instructor of The University of Marketing

In the Average Course Series You'll Learn...

Marketing Theory

To start your study, we'll cover a few elements of basic marketing theory like traffic sources, targeting, copywriting, color psychology, design, conversion rate optimization, purchase funnels, and return on investment. Without understanding how marketing theory applies to your traffic sources you'll never be able to create marketing wins.

Campaign Setup

Setting up new campaigns can be hard, but it's much easier once you have an outline. Search engines, advertising networks, or social media services don't make it easy though; their default settings, "suggestions," and complexity can make it extremely difficult for new marketers extract business value. We'll give you the essential information you need to setup your campaign to add new sales and profit to your business rather than just new cost.

Discovery & Optimization

Discovery and optimization present your greatest challenges: what copy works, what audience works, and what core economics make your campaigns profitable. We'll walk you through this stage from a practical application perspective. Instructions focus on guiding you through the adjustments needed to prove your new marketing is worth the effort.

Growth & Automation

A small campaign with a good ROI isn't enough; you need to grow. In growth and automation, we'll guide you through everything it takes to bring your business to the masses; increasing reach, multiplying sales, and maintaining a profit goal. You'll grow your campaign to the point of diminishing returns. When you're ready, we'll even help you figure out how to automate and outsource your tasks so you can move to growing sales somewhere else.