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Sample- How to Set Up Goal Tracking

Study Online Marketing Subjects Like...

Google Ads

Google Ads reach up to 90% of internet users, and advertisers saw a 20% increase in ROI last quarter. Despite that, competition makes Google Ads one of the most difficult places online to turn a profit. In this series you'll use ads to drive purchase actions (conversions) from new customers, at the right ROI, and then scale conversions to grow profit for your business.

Social Ads— Coming Soon

Over 69% of Americans use social media, but only 9.8% of ad spend is social. This form of advertising is among the most effective ways to reach an audience by demographic. Our courses on social network advertising leverage interactive ad content, in-depth targeting, and low cost-per-clicks to produce real growth for most industries.

SEO— Coming Soon

Google receives 63,000 searches per second, and 71% of people click a link in their searches. Our SEO courses help you capture your fair share of Google searches as quickly as possible. First, you'll work to increase traffic with your existing webpages. Next, capture visitors placing niche searches with what are called longtail SEO strategies. Finally, earn traffic on high value keywords by beating the competition.

Email Marketing— Coming Soon

91% of Americans use email— it's one of the most common ways to communicate online. For every $1 spent on email marketing there's a return of $44. Still, most businesses have a hard time turning emails into closed sales. Our training helps you understand how copy and design meet marketing analytics to get you new orders.

PR— Coming Soon

Public Relations is a $13.5 billion dollar industry in the US. Still, most companies do next to nothing for PR even though it can seriously grow a business. The University of Marketing teaches you to manage your own PR with confidence. You'll learn to find influencers in relevant media, get coverage, and use both traditional and guerilla PR strategies to convert attention to customers.

Display Ads— Coming Soon

Display advertising will soon become a $48 billion dollar market, but 30% of internet users dislike banner ads. Display advertising poses an amazing opportunity for advertisers who want to stand out from the pack. Our courses help you use content and targeting to drive purchases, and profit, from your market.

Conversion Optimization— Coming Soon

Only 52% of companies test their webpages to increase leads or purchases. Somehow, most marketers ignore the impact conversion rate testing can make on every visit to their website. University of Marketing courses on conversion rate optimization help you understand landing page design, copywriting, a/b testing, lead nurturing, and web analytics to improve your lead capture or purchase rates dramatically over time.

Social Media Marketing— Coming Soon

22% of the world's population uses Facebook, let alone other social media. More and more people are getting on social media every year, but there's a lot of confusion about social media marketing. Our training helps you master the purchasing stages of social media marketing; gaining new followers, boosting engagement, earning their conversion action, persuading them to tell their friends about your business.